Festival Choir Announces Plans For Fifth Season
Published October 18, 2007
The Atlanta Festival Choir, made up of 80 singers representing over 40 parishes throughout the archdiocese, is making plans for its 2007-2008 season and invites all interested musicians to participate. Auditions will be held at Christ the King Cathedral, 2699 Peachtree Road, NE, Atlanta, on Saturday, Oct. 20, and Saturday, Oct. 27.
New singers interested in participating in this year’s season should schedule a simple audition and be prepared to sing a verse of “Amazing Grace,” as well as scales and vocalizations to determine voice part. The ability to sight-read music, while helpful and important, is not an absolute requirement and is just one factor that goes into the selection of the group’s members.
All interested singers in the archdiocese are encouraged to call (404) 233-2145, ext. 470, for an appointment.
Now, in its fifth full season, the choir not only presents a concert each spring, but also participates in special archdiocesan liturgical celebrations throughout the rest of the year. The choir typically provides music for the ordination Mass for the permanent deacons in February. Kathy Kuzca, director of music at St. Thomas Aquinas Church and a founding member of the choir’s organizational committee, noted, “For the first couple of seasons the choir concentrated on purely musical and organizational challenges and has been successful in celebrating great Roman Catholic music. Over the last three years, it has been our delight and great honor to act as music ministers in several important diocesan liturgical celebrations.”
The season will include the choir’s fifth annual spring concert, which will feature the French composer Luis Vierne’s “Messe solennelle” (Solemn Mass) for organ and choir, as well as Englishman John Rutter’s “Gloria” for brass, percussion, organ and choir.
“These two pieces reflect the rich international diversity and language of music,” noted Kevin Culver a member of the Festival Choir steering committee. “And it has been, and continues to be, one of our most fervent intentions to not only pull together the widely dispersed musicians of the archdiocese but also to celebrate the wildly diverse history and traditions of Catholic music throughout the world.”
Rehearsals for the choir are held on two Saturdays a month starting in January. All the singers in the choir are active in their own parish music programs, and care is given not to disturb their primary ministry at their home churches.
Interested musicians should contact the music ministry office at the Cathedral of Christ the King, (404) 233-2145, ext. 470, to arrange an audition.