Georgia Bulletin

The Newspaper of the Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta


St. Peter Chanel To Present Cavins Bible Seminar

Published August 23, 2007

Jeff Cavins, the dynamic Bible teacher and speaker, will present “The Gospel of Matthew” on Saturday, Sept. 15, in the Blessed Trinity High School auditorium. The seminar will run from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., with registration beginning at 7:30 a.m.

The Adventures in Matthew Bible Seminar is sponsored by the St. Peter Chanel Church adult education department. The seminar will describe how Jesus builds on the foundation laid in the Old Testament to inaugurate the kingdom of heaven on earth.

Cavins is a nationally and internationally known public speaker who has a deep love for Jesus Christ and who communicates his zeal with clarity and enthusiasm. After 12 years as a Protestant pastor, Jeff returned to the Catholic Church. While a minister, he developed a practical, interactive Bible study system, “The Great Adventure,” which enables students to understand the chronological flow of the Scriptures, and later used this approach at Franciscan University in Steubenville, Ohio, where he taught “Introduction to Scripture.” He also presents it in seminar form across the country.

Cavins received his master’s degree in theology from Franciscan University of Steubenville with catechetical certification. He received a bachelor’s degree in humanities from Antioch University in Yellow Springs, Ohio. He received Bible training from Christ for the Nations Institute, Dallas, Texas, and the Institute of Ministry, Bradenton, Florida.

Cavins also graduated from Brown Institute, Minneapolis, Minn., a school for radio and television broadcasting.

Seminar attendees will learn about Jesus as the son of David, the son of Abraham, the new Moses, the true manna, the new temple—and learn what this means today. Talks will include the roots of the sacraments and how Jesus’ words and actions are reflected in the Mass.

The registration form and information are available on the St. Peter Chanel Web site at

Cost for registration is $25 until Monday, Aug. 27, and $35 if postmarked after that date. The registration fee includes the seminar materials. Lunch is available for an additional $6, if ordered along with the registration before Sept. 6.

Seminar materials and tickets will be available at the registration tables on the day of the event, under the name listed on the completed form.


For more information about “The Gospel of Matthew” seminar, contact Deacon Mike Bickerstaff via e-mail at