Georgia Bulletin

The Newspaper of the Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta


Popular Friday Night Apologetics Series Begins

Published July 5, 2007

The popular apologetics series “Reason to Believe” will be held Fridays in July and August at the Cathedral of Christ the King, 2699 Peachtree Road, NE.

Each week a priest or deacon will discuss a topic that Catholics may be challenged on by those of other faiths or other Christian denominations.

The topics, which are subject to change, will include: July 13, “The Dignity of Conscience—Making Good Choices and Decisions in a Complex World”; July 20, “Mary: Ever Virgin?—Explaining the Perpetual Virginity of Mary”; July 27, “Drawing Good from Evil—The Power and Purpose of Confession”; Aug. 3, “Where in the World Is Limbo?—Understanding the Recent Vatican Declaration”; Aug. 10, “Soul Mining: Finding God in the Chapel and in the Streets—How Adoration and Catholic Social Teaching Are Linked”; Aug. 17, “English Mass, Latin Mass, Is It All the Same?—Pope Benedict’s Initiative to Restore the Latin Liturgy.”

Each of the sessions will begin with Mass at 6:15 p.m. The presentation will begin at 7 p.m. and will be followed by a question-and-answer session. Light refreshments will be served, and a nursery will be available.

There is no charge to attend “Reason to Believe,” though a free will offering will be taken up at each session.

For more information, to arrange for nursery care, or to preregister, call (404) 267-3671 or e-mail Registration can also be done online at

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