Georgia Bulletin

The Newspaper of the Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta


Annual ‘Encuentro’ To Be Held July 7

Published June 21, 2007

All those working within Hispanic ministries for the Archdiocese of Atlanta are invited to participate in this year’s annual “Encuentro,” Saturday, July 7, at St. Andrew Church from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

The theme for this year’s Encuentro is “Pastoral Spirituality,” and 200 attendees are expected.

Speakers for the day will include local leaders such as Msgr. Luis Zarama, vicar general for the archdiocese, Father José Duván Gonzalez, vicar for clergy and liaison for Hispanic ministry in the archdiocese, Father Fausto Marquez, parochial vicar at Holy Family Church, Marietta, and Leonardo Jaramillo, director of Hispanic youth and young adult ministry for the archdiocese. National leaders will include Father Martin Mancera, a priest of the Misioneras de los Santos Apostoles from Colombia; Father Bernardo Arley Aristizabal, the episcopal delegate for the pastoral ministry of education, catechesis and ecclesial communities for the Diocese of Sonson-Rionegro, Colombia; Father Juan Molina, OSsT, advocacy program coordinator for the southwest region of Catholic Relief Services; and Alejandro Aguilera-Titus, director of the Secretariat for Hispanic Affairs for the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.

The day will begin with registration and breakfast at 8 a.m., followed by an opening prayer at 9 a.m. After a brief welcome, the presentations will begin, including such topics as “Communal Spirituality,” “Pastoral Spirituality” and the “U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.”

Lunch and a cultural event will be held from 12:30-1:30 p.m., followed by the afternoon sessions, which will include topics such as “The Hispanic Presence in the Archdiocese of Atlanta,” “Analysis of the Reality,” “Youth and Young Adult Ministry,” “Pastoral Plan Process for the Hispanic Ministry and the Role of Movements and Groups,” and “Justice for Immigrants.”

Eucharistic adoration will be held throughout the day, which will conclude with a closing prayer at 6 p.m.

St. Andrew Church is located at 675 Riverside Road, Roswell.


For more information about the event, contact the Hispanic ministry office at (404) 885-7289. For those who are interested in having an exhibition table, contact the Hispanic ministry office by July 1.