Catholics Can Lobby For Bills During Day At Capitol
Published February 8, 2007
Catholics will have a unique opportunity to participate in legislative advocacy at the State Capitol Feb. 27.
Archbishop Wilton D. Gregory will serve as the chaplain of the day by offering the opening prayer in the House of Representatives at 3 p.m. during Catholic Day at the Capitol, which is sponsored by the Catholic Communications Office of the Archdiocese of Atlanta and the Georgia Catholic Conference.
All Catholics are invited to attend this event, which will give them a chance to exercise the virtue of responsible citizenship, said Patricia Chivers, communications director for the archdiocese.
“Catholic Day at the Capitol is an opportunity for Catholics in Georgia to become better informed, active and to enjoy one of the greatest blessings that we have in the United States—our right and responsibility to participate in civic life,” Chivers said.
The day will begin at 8:30 a.m. at the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, which is within walking distance of the Capitol. There, participants are invited to attend a legislative briefing by the Catholic Communications Office. The briefing will be repeated at 11 a.m.
“The legislative briefing will prepare everyone who participates with background on issues related to Catholic social teaching and talking points on at least three bills that the legislature will consider. The Catholic Church’s position on the bills will be clearly defined,” Chivers said. “Participants can choose to just listen or to urge their legislators to support any one of the bills.”
Following the briefing, attendees are invited to make their way to the Capitol to view the opening of the Georgia General Assembly session and meet their legislators. An optional tour of the Capitol is scheduled for 1 p.m. Lunch is not provided, but participants may wish to visit one of several food establishments surrounding the Capitol.
At 3 p.m., Archbishop Gregory will offer the opening prayer in the House of Representatives.
Chivers said she hopes that those attending will make a faith-filled impression.
“We hope that others at the Capitol will see the face of Jesus in the Catholics who (participate in) Catholic Day at the Capitol.”