Georgia Bulletin

The Newspaper of the Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta


Pinecrest Juniors Look Ahead To Graduation

Published May 11, 2006

The day he or she receives her class ring is a big deal for any high school student. But for the 15 members of Pinecrest Academy’s class of 2007, the event was a day in history shared by the entire school.

Archbishop Wilton D. Gregory visited Pinecrest Academy to celebrate Mass and bless the class rings on April 6.

In a ceremony attended by high school students, their families and other guests, Pinecrest principal John Tarpley spoke of the significance of the class rings, each of which is engraved with a Miraculous Medal image of Mary.

“The rings you will receive, not unlike the rings spouses exchange, evoke the promise of a future, a future in which you will show all whom you encounter what it means to be a Pinecrest student,” he said. “Pinecrest has been and continues to be committed to you, to forming you integrally, as scholars, men and women of character, faithful followers of Jesus Christ and his apostles in this world so in need of Him.”

Edward Mulholland, Ph.D., high school chair for language arts and classical languages, gave the address in which he challenged the students to remember the higher purpose to which they are called.

“Every moment of your day is a new chance to improve, especially the subjects and activities that are difficult for you…As our anthem says, ‘Our mission lasts a lifetime as we struggle toward our goals…’ if we worry only about professional formation, we may have success but not always happiness,” he said. “With an authentic formation as persons, rooted in God, you will have happiness no matter what your professional success. Form yourselves for both, but realize which is most important.”

Archbishop Gregory then blessed the rings with holy water.

“Grant, O Lord that in wearing the class ring, these students will confidently seek the help of the Blessed Virgin Mary,” he prayed. “May this ring and the one who wears it be blessed, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”

This junior class will be the first to graduate from the high school of Pinecrest Academy.

The school was founded in 1993 with 27 students in rented facilities in Crabapple. Next year Pinecrest will open with approximately 800 students from pre-kindergarten through high school. The campus, located at 955 Peachtree Pkwy., Cumming, is on 68 acres, with a complete complement of recreational and varsity athletics.