Service To Honor Gifts Of Persons With Disabilities
Published July 21, 2005
On Tuesday, Aug. 2, St. Ann Church, Marietta, will host “Colors of Love,” an ecumenical prayer service celebrating the gifts that persons with disabilities bring to the community. The evening will begin at 6 p.m. with hospitality and refreshments in the parish center, after which attendees will go in procession and song into the church at 7:30 p.m. for a celebration of Scripture, witness, song and liturgical dance.
Other church denominations will be present and will participate in the service, acknowledging that the special needs community is important and precious to all. The readings and music will reflect “that to love is to understand others, to care about them and to help them grow in love and in knowledge of who they are” (Jean Vanier, founder of the L’Arche community).
Among those who will give witness are Mark Crenshaw from AADD Interfaith Disabilities Network, Jim and Barbara Kirk from the Lutheran Church of the Resurrection Circle of Friends, and Father John Gabriel, MS, from St. Ann Church. Camille Greeley from the deaf ministry of Transfiguration Church will interpret the entire service; one of the readings will be proclaimed in sign language only. Members of Faith and Light of Greater Atlanta and Circle of Friends will also participate. Ed Bolduc will provide music for the celebration. Liturgical dance will be presented to the song “Color My World,” and Pastor Karla Willim from the Lutheran Church of the Resurrection will offer a closing prayer. The service will be followed by dessert and coffee in the parish center. Information on programs that are offered for persons with disabilities will also be on display. All are invited.
For more information call Mickie Boyle at (770) 552-6400, ext. 6019, or e-mail