Georgia Bulletin

The Newspaper of the Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta


Parish Hosts Founder Of Post Abortion Ministry

Published February 17, 2005

St. Brigid Respect Life Ministry invites the public to hear Mary Ann McNeil, founder and director of PATH, a registered nonprofit program in the Atlanta Archdiocese, which fosters a process of compassionate healing and restoration for women and men wounded by abortion.

This evening is for everyone who has been directly or indirectly affected by abortion.

On Wednesday, Feb. 23, from 7:30 to 9 p.m. McNeil will speak in Room 135 at the church, 3400 Old Alabama Road, Alpharetta. PATH, which stands for Post Abortion Treatment and Healing, has provided a process of restoration and a pathway back to God and the church for women and men affected by abortion.

Since the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision of 1973, over 46 million legal abortions have taken place in the United States. The rate is 4,000 babies aborted daily.

Most people are uncomfortable talking about abortion, yet nearly four out of every five mothers are at risk of emotional or physical post abortion suffering. The politics of abortion intimidates many people from sharing their suffering, fearing either condemnation and rejection or that their grief is irrational, unimportant or abnormal. Their pain is buried. People suffer silently without knowing that resources are available to help them experience healing and forgiveness while respecting their privacy.

A first step is to take time to learn about post abortion healing. All are invited to attend. For directions call the church at (678) 393-0060. For more information on PATH visit or call (404) 896-6521.