Georgia Bulletin

The Newspaper of the Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta


OLA Hosts Stewardship Program On Human Life, Dignity

Published January 1, 2004

The Our Lady of the Assumption Stewardship Commission is sponsoring a program on Catholic social teaching on the life and dignity of the human person entitled “De Ultimis: The Stewardship of Our Final Days” in January and February.

The free program, which is open to the public, will be held in the Our Lady of the Assumption parish hall beginning at 7 p.m. with fellowship time and refreshments and the presentation at 7:30 p.m.

Session I, entitled “Compassionate Care for the Dying: A Catholic Approach,” will be held on Wednesday, Jan. 7. It will explore the teachings of the faith concerning decisions related to death and dying. The program, applicable to both those anticipating their own death and those who are in a position of assisting a family member, will be presented by David Belde, director of ethics for St. Joseph’s Health System.

Session II, entitled “Critical Conditions,” will be held on Wednesday, Jan. 14. It will help persons understand Catholic norms and practices for critical health care scenarios and will also help one define health care wishes to one’s family and to create a living will. Presenters include Sister Valentina Sheridan, RSM, and her team of healthcare professionals.

Session III, “The Catholic Funeral Rite: What’s It All About?,” will be held on Wednesday, Jan. 21. The funeral rite is one of the most beautiful rites of the Catholic Church and the most misunderstood. Join Father Jim McGoldrick, OLA pastor, and Anne Stephens, OLA youth minister, as they expose the nuts and bolts of the rite, Catholic policy on cremation and other issues of interest.

Session IV, “From the Funeral Home to the Burial: A Practical Planning Workshop,” will be held on Wednesday, Jan. 28. The program will address the components of the funeral rite, how these components may be personalized and the options available at the funeral home and cemetery. Attendees will learn how to plan their own funeral and more about the funeral services at Our Lady of the Assumption Church.

Session V, entitled “What Do I Own and What Owns Me?,” will be held Wednesday, Feb. 4. It will address the meaning of “being a good steward,” the bishops’ pastoral letter on stewardship and living as a steward in both physical and everlasting life. The presenter is Christine Heusinger, development coordinator for the archdiocese.

Session VI, “What Legacy Will You Leave?, ” will be held on Saturday, Feb. 7. Attendees will benefit from the experience of a panel of lawyers and financial planners who are familiar with the estate planning regulations of Georgia. They will address what is a trust, naming a beneficiary for assets or a guardian for children, and ensuring the government doesn’t seize one’s property after death. Come with questions and leave with peace of mind.

Babysitting is available upon request. The church is located at 1350 Hearst Drive, Atlanta. For information contact OLA development director Kathy Hoffman at (404) 261-7181, ext. 132 or e-mail