The greatest nation with the biggest heart - Georgia Bulletin - Georgia Bulletin

Georgia Bulletin

The Newspaper of the Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta

The greatest nation with the biggest heart

By BISHOP BERNARD E. SHLESINGER III  | Published March 20, 2025  | En Español

What criteria would someone use to measure the greatness of a person or nation?  

Bishop Shlesinger

Bishop Bernard E. Shlesinger III

In the case of a person, greatness can be measured by performance and the ability to achieve success. For example, in sports statistics such as the fastest record time, or having the most points determine which person or team is the best. Jesus, however, teaches us that greatness has nothing to do with being on top of one’s game.  

Our Lord reminded his apostles that greatness is not about personal achievement, riches or fame. The greatest among us is the servant; and greatness will be determined by one’s capacity for love and sacrifice for others. 

In the case of a nation, some might measure greatness by political influence, standard of living, gross domestic product, military might and a democratic system of government. However, should not the greatest nation on earth be concerned about helping vulnerable people who are yet to be born or who lack opportunity in their home countries? If self-sufficiency, self-satisfaction and self-reliance are the only concerns of a nation, then it will never be a nation under God, who is love, but only a nation focused simply on self-interests. 

There is a need for self-care and love of one’s family. And there is an ‘ordo amoris,’ which refers to a hierarchical order of love, where one might argue that charity first begins at home, and one is exempt from helping others after that. But as Pope Francis teaches us, we must interpret the ‘ordo amoris’ with the backdrop of the parable of the “Good Samaritan.” We should avoid any sense of isolationism and indifference to the poor if we are to be a great nation. When we hear the slogan “Make America Great Again,” we Christians should not pretend that someone else will be able to care for our brothers and sisters who need our help. 

As disciples of Jesus, we must address the wounded and the most vulnerable. We must speak for the unborn who do not have a voice, and we must speak for the immigrant who may not be able to go home to their country for good reasons. We must address the needs of the poorest, bind up the wounds of the person beaten up by life, accompany migrants and not think only of our own interests. Love should never stop at the border nor remain only at home. 

The person or nation that is great will need a big heart rather than a large wallet. As we hear about cutting off aid to others, of cancelling refugee resettlement while considering economic concerns at home, let us not think that we are no longer our brother’s or sister’s keeper. When we receive the Eucharist, let us not think that we have fulfilled our duty. Let us take from the altar of sacrifice a lesson on how to love and consider how our mission for the rest of the week toward others is just beginning. Let us all strive to have the heart of Christ who came not to be served but to serve and to offer himself as a ransom for all.  

May you have a great Lent by increasing your love for your neighbor, who is another self.