Our Guest Columnists Columns
Our Guest Columnists
“Inside prison with St. Michael and St. Teresa of Avila ”
BY LAURETTA HANNON, Special to the BulletinEnglish
I traveled to the state women’s prison to give a writing workshop. To hopefully encourage the ladies to reflect on and write about their lives and even gain some insights and clarity.
Previous Columns by Our Guest Columnists
Deaf to the cries of martyrs
Scripture urges us to hear the cries of our brothers and sisters around the world. In Galatians 6: 10, we read: “As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.”
By MSGR. RICHARD LOPEZ, CommentaryPublished: June 13, 2023
The courage to surrender in faith
There is group of seven women from the Seven Sisters Apostolate in Atlanta who prays for me every day. One of them frequently asks me, “For what should I pray for you today?”
By BISHOP BERNARD E. SHLESINGER IIIDirecting prayer to holy helpers
Not too long ago, Bishop Shlesinger wrote in his column about Mother Mary Alphonsa, a founder of the Hawthorne Dominicans, the Sisters who oversee Our Lady of Perpetual Help Home in Atlanta. He mentioned that the process for making her a saint has begun and asked for prayers to that end.
By BISHOP JOEL M. KONZEN, S.M.Sharing our gifts nurtures the faith
A vibrant parish is one where clergy and laity work side by side to build up God’s kingdom in their corner of the world. It is one where we are all stewards of the gifts given to us, whether in word, worship, through service, to build up community or in any number of ways.
By BISHOP JOHN TRAN, CommentaryDreaming of a future full of hope
There is no subject that I enjoy preaching on more than the mercy of God. This is because I know that without God’s mercy, we are devoid of hope for an eternal remedy to the maladies which afflict us.
By BISHOP BERNARD E. SHLESINGER III, CommentaryA priest walks into a Waffle House
It sounds like a joke, but a priest really did walk into my Waffle House that morning. He was an arresting figure–clad in a black cassock, exuding a commanding military air and, well, he radiated.
By LAURETTA HANNON, CommentaryPublished: April 3, 2023
Praying for the persecuted
As the church comes to the solemn week when we recall our Lord’s Passion, it is a good time for us to be praying for those who are in harm’s way as they preach and live the Gospel message.
By BISHOP JOEL M. KONZEN, S.M.Profound gratitude to God
Since ordination, I have been asked numerous times by those I encounter: How is the transition? The answer: From my perspective, it is going well. However, others may have a different opinion. If it is indeed going well, then I only have God and others to thank.
By BISHOP JOHN N. TRANPatrick: the saint and the legend
Separating the long-standing legends associated with St. Patrick and the man himself is a tricky task. The saint’s fame is worldwide, in every country, celebrated by millions on March 17, the day of his death.
By FATHER JOHN KIERAN, CommentaryPublished: March 8, 2023
A fire that still burns
Recently, we honored the men and women religious working in the Archdiocese of Atlanta who have done incredible things. For example, the Sisters of Mercy opened the first hospital in Atlanta in 1880 having arrived with only five dollars for their use.
By BISHOP BERNARD E SHLESINGER IIIViewing choices for Catholics
I just happened to hear a media commentator mention that he didn’t find much that he really wanted to watch on a very popular streaming service. He is probably not alone.
By JOEL M. KONZEN, SMOur Lady enters the room
I’d been meeting up with my friend at the Mexican restaurant for at least a year. Each time I’d bring the workers flyers about our college’s free ESL and GED classes. Without fail, I’d get a polite yet entirely lukewarm response when distributing these flyers.
By LAURETTA HANNONPublished: January 20, 2023
That they all be one: Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is Jan. 18-25. The observance “invites all to respond to Our Master’s urgent plea for unity,” writes Father John Kieran.
By FATHER JOHN C. KIERAN, CommentaryPublished: January 11, 2023
Discovering God’s will in the new year
The beginning of a new year is a time when many resolve to be more self-disciplined in order to improve their health and lifestyle. However, as good as resolutions are for self-improvement, they may have nothing to do with giving glory to God.
By BISHOP BERNARD E. SHLESINGER IIIThe Lord of Christmas and Easter
At Christmas, as well as throughout our year, it is in the Eucharist that we sit up and realize that Christmas and Easter must be one for us.
By BISHOP JOEL M. KONZEN, S.M.Published: December 28, 2022
Becoming a better companion of Christ
I recently attended an eight-day silent directed retreat in order to discern more deeply how the Lord is leading me as a bishop.
By BISHOP BERNARD E. SHLESINGER III, CommentaryLiving what we profess
According to Pope Benedict Emeritus XVI, the church has three obligations: “Evangelize, worship and care for the poor.”
By FATHER RICHARD WISE, CommentaryPublished: November 20, 2022
Bright spots in the realm of vocations
There is good news here in the Archdiocese of Atlanta in the realm of priests and religious orders.
By BISHOP JOEL M. KONZEN, S.M.That they may be one
Recently, I had the privilege of representing the Archdiocese of Atlanta at an event honoring the late Anglican Archbishop of Cape Town, Desmond Tutu, a man who was pivotal in ending the apartheid regime in South Africa.