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New Hartwell Hall Honors Founding Families
March 1, 2007It all started with three families and, more than 100 years later, a squirrel. Parishioners of Sacred Heart of Jesus Church in Hartwell paid tribute to their founders as well as made light of the incident that brought about the need for a new parish hall as it was dedicated Feb. 11 by Archbishop Wilton […]
Lent: Another Chapter In Christian Love Story
February 22, 2007As our Lenten journey unfolds, people like me will spend a goodly amount of time fretting about what we should give up. Should it be chocolate or should it be wine? Should I go to Mass more often, or go shopping less? Or all of the above? I know Lent is not a competitive sport, […]
What I Have Seen and Heard (February 22, 2007)
February 22, 2007I’ve seen and heard quite a bit over the past week—more than usual, I might add! I was invited by the Atlanta Rabbinical Association to have lunch with them and to offer some personal reflections on the state of Catholic-Jewish relations locally, nationally and internationally. My hosts could not have been more cordial or more […]
Film Takes An Imaginative Look At Friendship
February 22, 2007The new film from Walt Disney pictures, “Bridge to Terabithia,” is a touching story that illustrates the power of imagination and the importance of friendship. Based on the Newberry Award-winning novel by Katherine Paterson, and directed by Gabor Csupo, the film does a wonderful job of weaving fantastical details into a very realistic portrayal of […]
Father Robert Pearson, 50 Years A Monk, Dies At 85
February 22, 2007Father Robert (Bob) Pearson, OCSO, 85, monk of Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Monastery, died on Friday, Feb. 16, in the monastery infirmary after a long illness. The burial service will take place at the celebration of the funeral Mass on Thursday, Feb. 22, at 9 a.m. in the Abbey Church. The son of […]
Catholic Charities To Host Seminar On Aging
February 22, 2007The Senior Ministry program of Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Atlanta, Inc. will co-host a seminar, “The Sacred Journey: Principles of Successful Aging,” on Thursday, March 8, from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The seminar will be held in midtown Atlanta, at the Lutheran Church of the Redeemer, 731 Peachtree St., NE. The facilitator […]
Capitol Day Will Provide Briefing On Key Bills
February 22, 2007The Archdiocese of Atlanta is advocating for or against various bills that have been introduced in the 2007 session of the Georgia General Assembly in light of Catholic social teaching. And the church of North Georgia invites members to join in the legislative process by participating in the first Catholic Day at the Capitol on […]
Annual Serran Event Honors Priests And Their Work
February 22, 2007More than 200 attended this year’s annual Shepherd’s Night dinner on Tuesday, Feb. 6, at the Georgia Tech Hotel and Conference Center in Atlanta. The event, which honors the work of archdiocesan and religious order priests who serve the archdiocese, is hosted each year by the Serrans, members of the lay organization that supports vocations […]
OLM Participates In National March For Life
February 22, 2007Students from Our Lady of Mercy High School joined thousands of other young people from around the country for the annual March for Life in Washington, D.C., on Jan. 21-22. This year 27 juniors, seniors and students who are active in the school’s Mercy for LIFE group traveled to the nation’s capital, along with parents, […]
Father Patrick Winslow To Lead SPC Mission
February 22, 2007“What It Means To Be a Temple of God” is the theme for St. Peter Chanel Church’s Lenten mission, Feb. 24-28, led by Father Patrick Winslow. Father Winslow will be speaking at all Masses on Saturday and Sunday, Feb. 24-25, and the mission talks will be held on each weekday evening at 7 p.m. On […]