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Visiting The Monastery
November 29, 2007An estimated 60,000 or more people visit the monastery each year. The grounds are open for walking and picnics. The church is open from 4 a.m. to 8 p.m. for private prayer, daily Mass and the monks’ chanted morning, evening and nighttime prayer from the Liturgy of the Hours. The Abbey Store offers homemade monastic […]
New Disney Film Enchants With ‘Real’ Life
November 22, 2007Disney’s latest offering, “Enchanted,” melds animation to live action to create a romantic tale that charms from beginning to end. “Enchanted” begins as a standard Disney princess story. Giselle lives in a cottage in the forest of Andalasia, dreaming of the day she will meet her handsome prince and experience true love. Prince Edward, likewise, […]
Fall ‘Revive’ Speaks To Young Adults’ Faith
November 22, 2007An image of the risen Jesus Christ, spanning several feet, served as the backdrop for Fall Revive, an event Nov. 17 for young adults that celebrated the theme, “Be Transformed.” Sponsored by YAM, the archdiocesan Young Adult Ministry, the conference encouraged hundreds in their faith through speakers, live music and eucharistic adoration. The event began […]
Carrying The Torch: Second Wave Of AIDS Pandemic
November 22, 2007As of Aug. 31, the National Catholic AIDS Network ceased its staffing and office operations. For nearly 20 years, this network helped make spirituality and faith a powerful resource for all of us living with or affected by HIV and AIDS. The network helped the Catholic Church respond with understanding and compassion to the pain […]
Lo Que He Visto Y He Oído (22 de Noviembre 2007)
November 22, 2007Cal Ripken Jr. se apoderó del récord existente de partidos jugados en forma consecutiva cuando se retiró de la Liga Mayor de béisbol. Yo presencié el final de mi récord personal, y muchísimo menos espectacular, la semana pasada. En noviembre de 1983 asistí a la primera reunión de la Conferencia de Obispos de Estados Unidos; […]
Archbishop Gregory Recuperates At Home
November 15, 2007Archbishop Wilton D. Gregory is resting comfortably at home after a “mini lap” procedure for early stage prostate cancer, the Communications Office of the archdiocese announced Nov. 9. The report included a statement from the archbishop’s doctor, Dr. Fray Marshall. “Archbishop Gregory tolerated the procedure well, and there were no unforeseen problems. He received a […]
At Thanksgiving, Chasing Away The Envy Monster
November 15, 2007There is a monster that stalks the Thanksgiving holiday. It chases away gratitude and replaces it with longing. The monster’s name is envy. You will know the monster is lurking if you are seated at the Thanksgiving table and start mentally comparing yourself with others and feeling short changed. Your car seems too old, your […]
Lo Que He Visto Y He Oído (15 de Noviembre 2007)
November 15, 2007El Capítulo 13 del Evangelio según San Juan comienza con la oración que Cristo nos entregó la noche antes de morir por nosotros y la presenta en la magnífica narración que caracteriza al Evangelio de Juan. En este capítulo del Evangelio, Cristo nos da la expresión maravillosa de servicio cristiano a través del ejemplo del […]
In Atypical Style, Marist Loses At Home To Mays
November 8, 2007Marist School, Atlanta, had not lost a home game since the second game of the 2006 season, Sept. 8, 2006, a three-point loss to Tucker High School. In fact, before last Friday’s game Marist had compiled a home record of 68-3 going back to 1997. It took an overtime win to do it, but on […]
Evocative Monastery Photos Serve Up Visual Feast
November 8, 2007PORTRAITS OF GRACE: Images and Words From the Monastery of the Holy Spirit; by James Stephen Behrens, OCSO; ACTA Publications (Skokie, Ill., 2007);128 pp. paperback; $19.95. It is fortunate that we can’t gain weight simply by gazing at a book. Because if that were true, “Portraits of Grace” would be a no-no for dieters. As […]