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OLA School Celebrates Gift Of Catholic Education
January 29, 2004Coming on the heels of Christmas and the celebration of the gift of the birth of Jesus, Catholic Schools Week is a time to celebrate the gift of a Catholic school education. This year’s theme, “A Faith-filled Future,” emphasizes one of the strongest reasons that parents send their children to Catholic schools. Knowing the strength […]
St. Benedict’s Church Helps Numerous Charities Through Christmas Giving Tree Project
January 29, 2004The Women’s Guild of St. Benedict Church in Duluth hosted another successful Christmas Giving Tree project during December. The Giving Tree is the Christmas tree in the church foyer that holds the paper ornaments indicating individual special needs for clients of a number of charities all over metro Atlanta. With the strong guidance of event […]
St. Catherine Of Siena Offers Career Ministry
January 29, 2004St. Catherine of Siena Church, 1618 Ben King Road, Kennesaw, offers a growing Career Ministry for those who are in search of new careers. All sessions are free and offer hope and prayerful support to all who attend. This is an ecumenical ministry and all are welcome. Meetings are held on Thursdays from 7-9 p.m. […]
Marriage Encounter Weekends Offered In February, March
January 29, 2004Worldwide Marriage Encounter is offering retreats in the Atlanta Archdiocese on Feb. 20-22 and March 19-21. The retreat is for married couples with good marriages who want to enrich them. Marriage Encounter teaches a unique method of communication. Many find the weekend to be filled with romance and excitement. The retreat allows couples to really […]
Lock-In Raises Awareness, Resolve Of Pro-Life Teens
January 29, 2004On the eve of the anniversary of the Supreme Court decision that made abortion legal, hundreds of teenagers gathered at the Cathedral of Christ the King with a mission. As they attended Mass and listened to pro-life speakers, the teens took the opportunity to show that they could make a difference in the fight to […]
Power Of God Catapults Change For The Better
January 22, 2004Each New Year brings with it countless possibilities of resolutions that we would like to make: lose weight; gain weight; be more diligent in studies; be a better friend; be more respectful towards our parents and teachers; or spend less time on the Internet or watching TV. Usually we look at the year that has […]
Praying With Friends Is Among New Year’s Resolutions
January 22, 2004New Year’s is about making resolutions and actually trying to keep them. My resolution is to pray more with the people I love. People may ask me, “Why should you pray more? Don’t you do enough of it in church?” The answer is “does anyone really pray enough?” Yes, I may be only a teenager […]
Find Joy In Something You Love
January 22, 2004Though we have already hit the New Year, Christmas still leaves its magic dancing around in our heads. The dreams it leaves are individual to each person: some dreaming about what they may have received, some dreaming about what they did not, some just lingering in the leftover haze. The dream that lingers for me […]
Sacred Music Concert To Be Given By Kelly Whittier
January 22, 2004The second annual Dorothy Bunting Weiss Sacred Music Concert will be held Tuesday, Feb. 10, at 8 p.m. at Sacred Heart Church featuring organist Kelly Plauché Whittier. A 2000 graduate of Emory University with a master of sacred music degree in organ performance, Whittier will be performing on the historic Catholic Church’s new Cassavant Freres […]
Around The Archdiocese, Catholic Schools Celebrate Their Uniqueness
January 22, 2004The air is noticeably swirling with excitement this week at Catholic schools around the Archdiocese of Atlanta. Excitement, pride and celebration abound, as students, teachers, parents and faculty prepare to celebrate the blessings of Catholic education during Catholic Schools Week, which is commemorated nationally the week of Jan. 25-31. This year’s theme for the 30th […]