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Msgr. Kirk, Vatican Diplomat To Romania, Dies At 92
February 4, 2004Raised in a Methodist Church in Athens, Msgr. John Columbus Kirk went on to become a Catholic priest and then a member of the Vatican’s Diplomatic Corps in Bucharest, Romania, during its harsh, post-war communist takeover until being expelled from that country on false charges of espionage. Msgr. Kirk died on Jan. 12 at the […]
Surprise: The Young Are Watching
January 29, 2004Our parish’s new stewardship director was bursting to tell us about the International Catholic Stewardship Council’s October conference in Chicago. He said one of its most impressive presentations was given by teens from the Chicago Archdiocese. A panel of young people spoke about how they live out stewardship in their lives as teenage Catholics. “After […]
Free Throw Tournament Hosted By Blessed Trinity
January 29, 2004Blessed Trinity High School will serve as the site for a youth free throw championship sponsored by Transfiguration Church’s Knights of Columbus Council 10362 on Saturday, Jan. 31. The contest, which is open to all boys and girls ages 10-14, will begin at 9 a.m. Contestants will compete in age-specific classifications by gender, with the […]
Pro-Life Groups Asked To Protect ‘Holy Innocents’
January 29, 2004On the 31st anniversary of the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision, Archbishop John F. Donoghue described the moral and legislative battle to ban abortion as part of a larger pro-life struggle in this country to ensure protection of all “holy innocents,” even the weakest and most forgotten. The annual Mass sponsored by the archdiocesan […]
Teens Take Pro-Life Stance To State Capitol
January 29, 2004Armed with letters for their political leaders urging them to support pro-life legislation, teens from the archdiocese piled into the Georgia Legislative Office Building to make a difference. Meeting with their political representatives was part of events of “Rise Up for Life Georgia,” a program which began with a Mass, prayer vigil and pro-life speakers […]
Marchers Walk The Talk Of Pro-Life
January 29, 2004Along with some 5,000 others on the silent one-mile walk from the Capitol to mourn the 43 million babies aborted since Jan. 22, 1973, Terry Gibbs walked. She held a sign that read, “I chose adoption. Thank you God for giving me the strength. I will always love you Matthew.” One of her four children […]
CCHD Youth Contest Uses Art To Promote Awareness
January 29, 2004Lamar Brown, an eighth-grade student at St. Peter Claver Regional School in Decatur, is the winner of the Regional Catholic Campaign for Human Development Multimedia Arts Contest. Lamar’s poem, “Poverty Stricken Child,” won first place. This honor entitles him to a blue ribbon certificate and $100 award. The poem will be entered in the national […]
Annual Conference To Emphasize Eucharist, Mary
January 29, 2004The sixth annual Archdiocese of Atlanta Marian Conference entitled “Mary, Woman of the Eucharist” will be presented at St. Benedict’s Church during the weekend of Feb. 20. Pope John Paul II replaced his customary letter to the priests on Holy Thursday 2003 with an encyclical letter on the Eucharist, “Ecclesia de Eucharistia,” which was addressed […]
Queen Of Angels Team Wins Engineering Competition
January 29, 2004A team of four middle school students from Queen of Angels School won the southeast regional competition of a national engineering competition, “Engineering Future Cities.” The regional contest was held in Aiken, S.C. The team, called Ciudad De Oro, will travel to Washington, D.C., to compete in the national competition during the last week of […]
Pope Meets Cheney, Emphasizes International Solidarity
January 29, 2004Pope John Paul II met with U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney at the Vatican and emphasized the need for international cooperation in resolving conflicts around the world. “I encourage you and your fellow citizens to work, at home and abroad, for the growth of international cooperation and solidarity in the service of that peace which […]