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Overflowing Mission Starts Building Fund
December 22, 2005Our Lady of the Americas Mission this year could only accept some 700 children in its religious education program and had to turn hundreds more away due to the lack of space in their converted warehouse church facility. So when Father Fernando Molina-Restrepo was assigned to the mission this summer, he immediately knew what he […]
Deacon Leaves Multifaceted Legacy Of Love
December 22, 2005One wouldn’t have to go far to find someone in the Archdiocese of Atlanta who has attended a retreat at Marian Meadows, a short drive from Atlanta in Dawsonville. Not many, however, may know of the beautiful love story and the test of faith for the man and his family that gave life to the […]
Prayers Raised For A World Living With AIDS
December 22, 2005“Comfort my people.” This is the message that Archbishop Wilton D. Gregory conveyed to Catholic AIDS ministers of the Archdiocese of Atlanta in his homily during the Mass for a World Living With AIDS celebrated Dec. 4 at Sacred Heart Church in Atlanta. The Mass ended the “Week of Prayer for a World Living With […]
AIDS Ministry Is Elevated To Archdiocesan Office
December 22, 2005During the Mass for a World Living With AIDS, Archbishop Wilton D. Gregory announced that he had established the Office of HIV/AIDS Ministry to serve as the official agency of the local church for the pastoral care of persons living with and affected by the disease. AIDS ministry in the archdiocese started in the early […]
Catholics Pray For A World With AIDS
December 22, 2005For the first time since HIV/AIDS ministries were established in the archdiocese, the Catholic community in North Georgia was invited to join AIDS ministers in prayer for all who have died from AIDS-related complications, as well as for those around the world who live with or are affected by the disease. From Nov. 26 to […]
Artist Depicts Heavenly Realm Through Iconography
December 22, 2005Artist Dorothy Thayne embraces Eastern Church heritage and works to create windows to heaven as she “writes” classic Byzantine icons, a centuries-old sacred art form to aid in prayer and veneration. Thayne’s icons are on display at the Naomi Silva Gallery at the Tula Art Center in Atlanta through Jan. 15. Icons are often called […]
OLA School Reaches Out To Refugee Families
December 22, 2005All of the classrooms at Our Lady of the Assumption School are filled with excitement as the Christmas season advances. Advent wreaths, colorful angels and seasonal bulletin boards adorn each room. But in addition to the usual Christmas decorations, a large basket or box resides in each classroom as a reminder that giving during Advent, […]
Guadalupe Feast Recalls God’s ‘Eternal Promise’
December 22, 2005On her feast day, Our Lady of Guadalupe’s power to lead people to “Cristo” was evident through the pounding drums, thousands of roses and other expressions of love at Our Lady of the Americas Mission where participants prayed, attended Mass and celebrated all night Dec. 11 and throughout the next day. Administrator Father Fernando Molina-Restrepo […]
What I Have Seen And Heard (December 15, 2005)
December 15, 2005Last Thursday evening, it rained! It was not a very good night to take a walk, but it was nonetheless a wonderful evening to honor the Mother of God under Her title of the Immaculate Conception. And so about 200 Catholics from the Archdiocese shared in the Eucharist at Sacred Heart Parish in Atlanta and […]
Vatican Moves From Pen And Parchment To DVDs, Web
December 15, 2005Two hundred years ago, popes communicated with pen on parchment, in documents and letters secured with sealing wax. Today, Pope Benedict XVI’s teachings and speeches are flashed around the world in real time on the Internet, and he is the star of the Vatican’s own Web site. He gives interviews to Vatican Radio, and many […]