Georgia Bulletin

The Newspaper of the Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta


Pinecrest Students Become Traveling Missionaries

Published March 25, 2004

Twenty-one members of the ninth-grade class of Pinecrest Academy, Cumming, went to Washington, D.C., on Jan. 21-26 to participate in the March for Life and Youth for the Third Millennium (YTM) missionary work, and to visit sights in Washington.

The trip was an opportunity for the Pinecrest class to grow in their faith while having fun.

Students arrived in the evening in time for the National Prayer Vigil for Life in the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. Following the Mass, which was attended by three cardinals, over 20 bishops and hundreds of priests, the class met their YTM mission leaders. Together they traveled to two parishes in the Washington Archdiocese where they would perform missionary activities.

While staying with their parishes, the students were inducted as Catholic missionaries during a mini-retreat. All students were given training as missionaries and prayerfully reflected on their call to mission work. In their new missionary roles, they conducted service projects for their respective parishes including instructing and evangelizing younger students, baby-sitting and going door-to-door for the parish priest inviting individuals to come to the church.