Georgia Bulletin

The Newspaper of the Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta


Magnificat Speaker To Share Family’s Faith Story

Published October 12, 2006

Rebecca Fidero, a parishioner at St. Stephen the Martyr Church, will share how the depth of her Catholic faith has strengthened her family in tough times at the upcoming Magnificat breakfast on Saturday, Nov. 11.

All women in the archdiocese are invited to the breakfast, which will be held at Killian Hall, 908 Killian Hill Road, Lilburn. In the spirit of the friendship between Mary and her cousin Elizabeth, the Magnificat meal brings women together for a morning of fellowship, a time of prayer, praise and worship, and a speaker’s sharing of God’s great work in her life.

Magnificat is an international Catholic ministry to women that began in the Archdiocese of New Orleans with local chapters. The Atlanta Joyful Visitation Chapter has hosted quarterly Magnificat meals since 1992.

Fidero has been active at her Lilburn parish, serving as a CCD teacher, youth group minister, RCIA sponsor and eucharistic minister to the sick. With her family, she has participated in perpetual adoration and praying the rosary.

Fidero and husband Jon have four sons. In 2005, their son Paul was in a serious car accident and sustained a traumatic brain injury, which was followed by a number of complications. Through a Web site started by her other sons to keep family and friends informed of Paul’s progress, hundreds of people across the United States and Europe have become involved in praying for their family. She will share how this experience has helped her family come to know the depths of God’s abundant love.

The Magnificat breakfast will be held from 9:30 a.m. to

12:30 p.m. Parking is limited, and carpooling is recommended. Please plan to arrive at least 30 minutes before the event.

Tickets at $10 apiece can be obtained by mail. Seating is limited and tickets are not sold at the door. In addition to the meal, which is served by the Columbiettes at Killian Hall, there is a music ministry and time for intercessory prayer. The sacrament of reconciliation is available following the meal.

Since the day is designed to speak to the hearts of women free of distractions it is respectfully requested that young children not be in attendance.

To obtain tickets, send name, address, parish, telephone number and the number of tickets needed, along with a check payable to Magnificat Joyful Visitation, and send to Lynda Cupell, 2140 Briarwillow Drive, NE, Atlanta, GA 30345. Please include a stamped, self-addressed envelope for the tickets to be sent to you. Ticket requests must be postmarked by Nov. 1.

Priests and Religious are invited to attend the breakfast on a complimentary basis, but reservations are still requested.


For information about tickets please contact Lynda Cupell at (404) 634-8303.