Discernment Workshop For College Students, Young Adults - Georgia Bulletin - Georgia Bulletin

Georgia Bulletin

The Newspaper of the Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta


Discernment Workshop For College Students, Young Adults

Published October 4, 2007

A workshop for those uncertain about what to do after college will be held Saturday, Oct. 13, from 2 to 4 p.m. at Our Lady of Lourdes Church, 29 Boulevard, NE.

The vocation director of the Sinsinawa Dominican Sisters, Sister Patricia Rogers, will present the workshop, which will explore the discernment process, provide quiet time for reflection, offer group discussion, prayer and then refreshments.

The workshop is entitled “Choosing a Path that’s Right for You.” All are welcome, including college students, those interested in learning how to discern and make life choices, those wanting to know God’s will for their life, those uncertain about what to do after college, and those who knew what they wanted to do but who are suddenly questioning their choices.

The registration deadline is Oct. 6. The fee is $5. Those who would like to register may e-mail progersop@prodigy.net or call Dominican Sister Nora Ryan at (404) 733-6594. Those with questions may call Sister Nora or Sister Patty Caraher at the above phone number. Information is also available at www.sinsinawa.org under the “News” page of the Web site.

Sinsinawa Dominican woman are called to proclaim the Gospel through the ministry of preaching and teaching in order to participate in the building of a holy and just society.