Marietta Knights sponsor emergency response training
Published April 22, 2014
Members of the Knights of Columbus recently attended a Community Emergency Response Team second responders class, hosted by Council 4599 at Marietta’s St. Joseph Church. The training teaches attendees how to prepare for and respond to disasters and how to assist first responders.
The class was taught by Bernard King, from Cobb County’s Emergency Management Agency, and Chris Scott, from Cobb’s Fire Emergency Services, assisted by Sal Gullo, a regional disaster coordinator with the Knights of Columbus.
The CERT program trains Cobb residents in disaster preparedness and teaches them about basic disaster response, such as fire safety, light search and rescue, team organization, and disaster medical operations.
Using the training learned in the classroom and during exercises, CERT members are better able to assist others after emergencies before professional responders can help on the scene.
These classes are open to all. To obtain additional information for upcoming classes contact Sal Gullo by email at