Distribution of $15 million Joseph Mitchell bequest - Georgia Bulletin - Georgia Bulletin

Georgia Bulletin

The Newspaper of the Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta


Distribution of $15 million Joseph Mitchell bequest

Published April 3, 2014

ATLANTA–According to the Finance Office of the Archdiocese of Atlanta, $15 million in liquid assets from the Joseph Mitchell estate was distributed as follows:

CATHEDRAL OF CHRIST THE KING—50 percent of the bequest:
Cathedral Capital Campaign/Building Fund: $7.5 million
CHARITIES—25 percent of the bequest:
Catholic Charities Atlanta—General Use: $1.5 million
Catholic Charities Atlanta—Restricted Use: $2.0 million
Other Charities: $250,000


$3.75 million
ARCHDIOCESAN USE—25 percent of the bequest:
Disadvantaged Parish Fund $1.0 million
Priests’ Pension Fund $1.0 million
Parish Endowments 100 at $10,000 each $1.0 million
School Endowments 18 at $10,000 each $180,000
Cristo Rey Atlanta Jesuit High School $500,000
Other $70,000


$3.75 million
TOTAL: $15 million