Suzanne Haugh to speak at Magnificat March 9
Published February 7, 2019
ATLANTA—Journalist and teacher Suzanne Haugh, who was inspired to aid and accompany youth and young adults of the world in their journeys of faith, will be the guest speaker at the March Magnificat meal.
All women are invited to attend the Magnificat, which will be held on Saturday, March 9, at Holy Cross Church, Atlanta.

Suzanne Haugh
Hoping to create an impetus for youth and young adults to explore the Catholic Christian faith through film and art, Haugh began an endeavor entitled Goodness Reigns in 2009 by the grace of God and with the help of many.
Since 2011, Goodness Reigns has sponsored international film contests for youth and young adults and has showcased their submissions during World Youth Day. This meeting between the pope and the youth of the world was initiated by St. John Paul II and is held in a different international locale every two or three years.
Having never made short films herself, let alone orchestrated film festivals, Haugh has providentially found and relied upon the talents of the young adults she has encountered. “We do the ridiculous so God can do the miraculous,” she said.
She has journeyed with young people to the last four World Youth Days, which were held in Spain, Poland, Brazil and, most recently, Panama in January.
Her work as a journalist and teacher inspired the outreach. She also draws upon the wisdom of St. John Paul II and the late Cardinal John P. Foley, the former head of Vatican communications.
Haugh, who grew up in Florida, has worked in Costa Rica and Georgia. She now resides in Louisville, Kentucky, with Gil, her husband of 26 years, and their three children.
She continues to consider the Atlanta Archdiocese as one of her spiritual homes, having taught journalism at St. Pius X High School, Atlanta, beginning in 1993 and then moving on to work for The Georgia Bulletin in 1998. Today, she continues the work of Goodness Reigns and also serves as a middle school teacher at Louisville’s Nativity Academy at St. Boniface, which provides faith-based education to underserved populations.
Magnificat is a ministry to women within the Catholic Church that began in the United States and has spread throughout the world, including Canada, the Caribbean and Africa. The Atlanta chapter, the Joyful Visitation chapter, is 27 years old.
The heart of the Magnificat ministry is to hear the faith story of an ordinary person and to be encouraged and surprised by the actions of God in daily lives around us.
Its purpose is to help women open more to the Holy Spirit through a deeper commitment of their lives to Jesus as Lord and to impart the Holy Spirit to one another by their love, service and sharing the good news of salvation.
The Magnificat is held in the parish hall of Holy Cross Church from 9:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. Each table has a hostess and seating is open so women are welcome to come on their own or with friends.
In addition to the testimony of the speaker, the Magnificat includes a catered breakfast, a time of praise and worship led by a music ministry, and intercessory prayer. The sacrament of reconciliation and the opportunity for individual prayer from a prayer team are available afterward.
Reservations are $20 and are made in advance. No tickets are returned. Check-in is at the door for those with reservations only.
To make an online reservation, go to Or to register by mail, please send your name, address, parish if applicable, contact information, and a check made payable to Magnificat Joyful Visitation to Debbie DuPont, 315 Rose Court, SW, Lilburn, GA 30047. Mailed reservations must be postmarked by March 4.
The doors open early. Guests are encouraged to arrive by 9 a.m. Holy Cross Church is located at 3773 Chamblee Tucker Road, Atlanta, less than a mile from the Chamblee Tucker Road exit on Interstate 285.
Priests and religious are invited to attend free of charge, but reservations are still requested to plan for the meal. Since the morning is designed to speak to the hearts of women free of distractions, it is respectfully requested that young children not attend.
For information, please contact Debbie DuPont at 770-696-6216 and visit the Facebook page at Magnificat-Joyful-Visitation-Chapter. To receive an invitation to Magnificat meals by email, send a request to