Georgia Bulletin

The Newspaper of the Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta


Saint Joseph’s To Host Cancer Survivor Conference

Published marzo 9, 2006  | Available In English

The sixth annual “Sharing the Journey Cancer Survivorship” conference will be held on Saturday, March 25, from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in the Carroll Conference and Education Center at Saint Joseph’s Hospital.

This full-day community education program is free to the public and will feature a variety of speakers on cancer-related topics.

The day will begin with speakers Bobbi de Cordova-Hanks and Jerry Hanks who will share their inspirational 19-year journey with advanced breast cancer. The second morning speaker will be David S. Hong, M.D., from the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, who will speak on emerging trends in cancer research. Dr. Hong will also conduct a one-hour breakout session as a follow-up to his talk and will answer questions from participants.

Breakout sessions throughout the day will explore the side effects of cancer from both a physical and emotional viewpoint. Experts in the field of oncology, as well as psychologists, social workers and others from the community will offer sessions on a wide variety of topics including complementary and integrative therapies such as exercise, nutrition, relaxation, touch therapies, and the healing power of hope. The day will also include sessions on coping with changes in appearance, finding the “new normal,” coping with the fear of recurrence, unique challenges for young adult cancer survivors, skin cancer prevention and finding clinical trials.

Renee Rickles, coordinator of the Cancer Survivors’ Network at Saint Joseph’s, said she believes the conference has something to offer everyone facing cancer—patients, family members and caregivers.

“Our goal is to expand your knowledge, share experiences with other survivors, and answer some of your questions,” she said. “Our hope is to provide information and support that will be helpful to you and your family.”

Registration is required. Attendance is free—however to reserve a place, a check for $10 is required. The check will be returned at check-in on the day of the event unless participants choose to donate it to further the work of the Cancer Survivors’ Network.

Seating is limited to the first 200 registrants.


For a brochure by mail, contact Rickles via email at or call (404) 851-5051 to be added to the Cancer Survivors’ Network mailing list.