Georgia Bulletin

The Newspaper of the Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta


International Performers Join In Concert Dec. 1

By ANDREW NELSON, Staff Writer | Published noviembre 22, 2007  | Available In English

Published: November 22, 2007

ATLANTA—Superstars in the world of Catholic Christian music are to take the stage here as three musicians perform as part of the Atlanta Archdiocese’s celebration to honor Our Lady of Guadalupe.

The performers sharing the spotlight on Saturday, Dec. 1, are Dunga, of Brazil, Martin Valverde, of Mexico, and Fray Richard, of Panama.

The performance is titled “One God, One Song: To Jesus Through Mary.”

To have the three big names on one stage makes the concert unique, said organizers at the Hispanic Ministry Office. It will be held at 6 p.m. at Americas Mart, 240 Peachtree St., NW, Atlanta, in building three on the second floor.

Mixed in with the praise music, there will be religious observances with 10 minutes of adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Benediction, said Leonardo Jaramillo, the director of Hispanic Youth and Young Adult Ministry.

That will be the time for people to forget the lights, the artists on the stage, and focus on Jesus, he said.

The event is part of the Atlanta Archdiocese’s celebration surrounding the coronation of Our Lady of Guadalupe on Dec. 12.

Thousands of young people are expected at the event. When Valverde performed in March here, some 1,500 people attended.

Tickets are $20. The money raised from the concert will help pay for a mission trip of Hispanic youth leaders to Peru. Proceeds will also pay expenses for the coronation.

The three musicians play around the world, with a fan base in Central and South America.

Dunga, a father of three, evangelizes through music. For more than a dozen years he has been a missionary for the Canção Nova Catholic Community, a group that spreads the message of the Gospel through music, education and media in Brazil. He has seven albums and has written three books for young people.

Valverde is a successful artist with more than 25 musical productions and books about formation for musicians in Spanish, English, Portuguese and Italian. In 2000, he performed at the Vatican during the canonization ceremony of 27 Mexican saints. Valverde, originally from Costa Rica, now makes Mexico his home with his wife and his three children.

Fray Richard, of Panama, grew up in a tough neighborhood filled with gangs. He is a priest with the order of Our Lady of Mercy.

The concert is co-sponsored by the Hispanic Ministry Office, the HIV/AIDS Ministry Office, Southern Catholic College and Catholic Relief Services. For tickets call Rudy Velasco (Spanish) at (678) 451-4653 or Edmilson Galvão (Portuguese) at (770) 401-0593 or Rachael Smith (English) at (404) 713-2464 or visit


For more information, contact the Hispanic Ministry Office at (404) 885-7289.