Georgia Bulletin

The Newspaper of the Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta


Emory Exhibits Papers Of Influential Vatican I Cardinal

Published May 13, 2010

The Pitts Theology Library at Emory University is currently hosting an exhibit on the papers of Henry Edward Cardinal Manning (1808-1892), one of the most influential English Roman Catholic figures of the Victorian era. Entitled “A Careful Informing of Conscience: The Papers of Henry Edward Manning,” the exhibit explores the context of many important events in Cardinal Manning’s life, including his time as a minister in the Church of England and his conversion to Catholicism in 1851, his leading role in the adoption of the doctrine of papal infallibility, and his efforts to effect social change in England, particularly on matters related to abuses of wealth, the poverty of the agricultural poor, and the lack of educational access. The exhibit will run through June 1 in the Durham Reading Room, located on the first floor of the library.